Feeling stressed?
I can help you with that, in ways that reduce stress for good.
Most clients feel better during the first session: more relaxed, less stressed,
able to take a step back and take a calmer look at what's not working.
Subsequent sessions can help you maintain that relaxed and confident state for longer periods of time, and to look more deeply at the patterns that are no longer working for you.
Your feelings are just that--feelings, they are not facts. Feelings come and go, and my mission is to help you get to know how your body processes them. Getting familiar with your own response patterns and learning to navigate them is the key to a regulated nervous system. And that is the prerequisite for accessing a well-lived life.
I am committed to keeping you safe in this process, while stretching your capacity to manage intense emotions. Building resilience takes time, and it takes trust--learning to trust me as your guide, and learning to trust yourself as you explore and update beliefs that no longer serve you.
Sessions are client-led, meaning we go where you want to go. I do not dictate or diagnose. I am transparent about my ideas and intuitive hits, and you always have the ultimate say-so. You know yourself best, and I am eager to learn more about you.
What I hear from my clients over and over again is that I am safe. I listen deeply. I am highly trained in Scientific Hand Analysis, Emotional Freedom Techniques, and Transformational Coaching. Matrix Reimprinting is an Advanced EFT protocol I use frequently for processing unresolved memories. You'll feel my respect and humor right away, and I will challenge you in surprising ways.
My clientele includes mostly women and some awesome men. Age range is typically 40-65. Many are super smart and successful, yet have challenging relationships. Most come to me complaining of anxiety that just won't go away. While I am not a licensed medical practitioner and don't claim to treat or cure anything physical, I am an expert on emotions, beliefs, and the dynamic balance between head, heart, body, and spirit. I am a good place to turn if you've had limited success with other practitioners because I work UNDERNEATH the stress to get to the core of those patterns that aren't serving you anymore.
While many clients come to me for specific support which is resolved quickly, others have longer-term goals that take a year or more to realize. Still others come in and out of my practice when stressful times arise. I have no expectation about how long we might work together, that's completely up to you. My programs are designed to fit you, where you are right now.
If this sounds good to you, then click below and send me an email. I'll ask you a couple of questions online to see if we're a potential fit, then we can set up a free chat on the phone. I would be honored to spend time with you and get to know you better.
Thank you for reading all of this. I appreciate your time spent learning about what I offer. And even more than that,
I appreciate the fact that you are doing your part to help make the world a better, more balanced place. It all starts within.
Be well, my dear. I wish you all the best.
I can help you with that, in ways that reduce stress for good.
Most clients feel better during the first session: more relaxed, less stressed,
able to take a step back and take a calmer look at what's not working.
Subsequent sessions can help you maintain that relaxed and confident state for longer periods of time, and to look more deeply at the patterns that are no longer working for you.
Your feelings are just that--feelings, they are not facts. Feelings come and go, and my mission is to help you get to know how your body processes them. Getting familiar with your own response patterns and learning to navigate them is the key to a regulated nervous system. And that is the prerequisite for accessing a well-lived life.
I am committed to keeping you safe in this process, while stretching your capacity to manage intense emotions. Building resilience takes time, and it takes trust--learning to trust me as your guide, and learning to trust yourself as you explore and update beliefs that no longer serve you.
Sessions are client-led, meaning we go where you want to go. I do not dictate or diagnose. I am transparent about my ideas and intuitive hits, and you always have the ultimate say-so. You know yourself best, and I am eager to learn more about you.
What I hear from my clients over and over again is that I am safe. I listen deeply. I am highly trained in Scientific Hand Analysis, Emotional Freedom Techniques, and Transformational Coaching. Matrix Reimprinting is an Advanced EFT protocol I use frequently for processing unresolved memories. You'll feel my respect and humor right away, and I will challenge you in surprising ways.
My clientele includes mostly women and some awesome men. Age range is typically 40-65. Many are super smart and successful, yet have challenging relationships. Most come to me complaining of anxiety that just won't go away. While I am not a licensed medical practitioner and don't claim to treat or cure anything physical, I am an expert on emotions, beliefs, and the dynamic balance between head, heart, body, and spirit. I am a good place to turn if you've had limited success with other practitioners because I work UNDERNEATH the stress to get to the core of those patterns that aren't serving you anymore.
While many clients come to me for specific support which is resolved quickly, others have longer-term goals that take a year or more to realize. Still others come in and out of my practice when stressful times arise. I have no expectation about how long we might work together, that's completely up to you. My programs are designed to fit you, where you are right now.
If this sounds good to you, then click below and send me an email. I'll ask you a couple of questions online to see if we're a potential fit, then we can set up a free chat on the phone. I would be honored to spend time with you and get to know you better.
Thank you for reading all of this. I appreciate your time spent learning about what I offer. And even more than that,
I appreciate the fact that you are doing your part to help make the world a better, more balanced place. It all starts within.
Be well, my dear. I wish you all the best.
6 month transformational experience
The purpose of the Feminine Goal Setting Program is to help you meet
your important goals in ways that work better with the female brain.
Whether your Big Dream is professional or personal
your odds of reaching success depend a lot on The Five Success Factors.
We'll dive deeply into each of the five in this program,
turning those darn SMART goals on their head and doing things the FEMININE WAY.
This is a 6-month private, 1:1 program which also includes opportunities
for connection within an incredibly innovative supportive group container.
It's time to revolutionize the ways we set and reach those goals that are most important to us!
6 month transformational experience
The purpose of the Feminine Goal Setting Program is to help you meet
your important goals in ways that work better with the female brain.
Whether your Big Dream is professional or personal
your odds of reaching success depend a lot on The Five Success Factors.
We'll dive deeply into each of the five in this program,
turning those darn SMART goals on their head and doing things the FEMININE WAY.
This is a 6-month private, 1:1 program which also includes opportunities
for connection within an incredibly innovative supportive group container.
It's time to revolutionize the ways we set and reach those goals that are most important to us!
Only available to existing clients, prior approval required
Only available to existing clients, prior approval required
The ultimate group experience!
As the host or hostess, you gather 6-14 of your friends or family, and each receives a Mini-Hand Analysis on the spot,
in a group setting. You get to hear what everyone else's hands are saying! It's a magical evening of being seen, deeply, for your gifts and your unique brilliance. You've never been to an event like this before.
You, the host or hostess, receive a FREE 90-minute Life Purpose Reading from me, in private, at a separate time.
That's a $225 value, and a great way to explore your own fingerprints, give a life-altering gift to someone you care about,
or even do a couple's reading.
You'll be the most talked-about hostess ever!
The ultimate group experience!
As the host or hostess, you gather 6-14 of your friends or family, and each receives a Mini-Hand Analysis on the spot,
in a group setting. You get to hear what everyone else's hands are saying! It's a magical evening of being seen, deeply, for your gifts and your unique brilliance. You've never been to an event like this before.
You, the host or hostess, receive a FREE 90-minute Life Purpose Reading from me, in private, at a separate time.
That's a $225 value, and a great way to explore your own fingerprints, give a life-altering gift to someone you care about,
or even do a couple's reading.
You'll be the most talked-about hostess ever!
Non-predictive reading of Purpose, Lesson, Gifts, and Challenges
Knowing your Life Blueprint is the single most powerful gateway to a meaningful life.
Your hands are imprinted with a living map of your nervous system.
That means that the patterns in your life, your habits, are visible to read!
Knowing your patterns--your unique Life Blueprint--highlights what's working for you and what isn't.
Want to gain a deeper understanding and normalization of what you do and why you do it over time?
Schedule an in-depth Scientific Hand Analysis with me to discover:
**Your Life Purpose
**Your Life Lesson
**Your Gifts (Superpowers!)
**Your Emotional Relationship Style
**Your Unique Work and Project Style
**and so much more!
There are more than 500 potential markings in the hands.
Each has a Master and Student Path, as well as Masculine and Feminine Expressions.
Knowing the full range of YOUR markings makes living a meaningful life easier because you can:
**more quickly forgive yourself for "mistakes"
**reach for appropriate goals
**know deep in your bones when you are on the right track for YOU
You'll leave the session with powerful, life-changing language and tools for moving forward.
You'll understand yourself--and others--in new ways that allow you to accept and celebrate your uniqueness.
Sessions are online or in-person and are 90 minutes long.
Sessions are recorded so you have lifetime access to your unique Blueprint for your best life.
Handprinting kits can be sent in the mail, or photographs can be taken and emailed.
Non-predictive reading of Purpose, Lesson, Gifts, and Challenges
Knowing your Life Blueprint is the single most powerful gateway to a meaningful life.
Your hands are imprinted with a living map of your nervous system.
That means that the patterns in your life, your habits, are visible to read!
Knowing your patterns--your unique Life Blueprint--highlights what's working for you and what isn't.
Want to gain a deeper understanding and normalization of what you do and why you do it over time?
Schedule an in-depth Scientific Hand Analysis with me to discover:
**Your Life Purpose
**Your Life Lesson
**Your Gifts (Superpowers!)
**Your Emotional Relationship Style
**Your Unique Work and Project Style
**and so much more!
There are more than 500 potential markings in the hands.
Each has a Master and Student Path, as well as Masculine and Feminine Expressions.
Knowing the full range of YOUR markings makes living a meaningful life easier because you can:
**more quickly forgive yourself for "mistakes"
**reach for appropriate goals
**know deep in your bones when you are on the right track for YOU
You'll leave the session with powerful, life-changing language and tools for moving forward.
You'll understand yourself--and others--in new ways that allow you to accept and celebrate your uniqueness.
Sessions are online or in-person and are 90 minutes long.
Sessions are recorded so you have lifetime access to your unique Blueprint for your best life.
Handprinting kits can be sent in the mail, or photographs can be taken and emailed.