A 10-week online program for super-smart, high-achieving, anxious women
Tuesdays at noon beginning May 23, 2023
Sometimes we can be too smart for our own good
Big brains are a gift.
They race through situations that cause others to stumble.
They finish crossword puzzles--all the way, with a pen.
They get straight A's with little effort.
They get to the right answers first, and show the teachers who to call on.
They outsmart everyone else in the room.
Big brains can also get in the way.
When we rely on our smarts to figure out every type of problem,
we can be left with unanswerable questions and looping thoughts.
Some challenges don't have an answer key.
Some problems require thinking outside the box, even outside the brain.
Problems with relationships, the evolution of wisdom, and steps toward meaning and purpose,
these all ask for so much more from us than a formulaic answer.
Once you've been recognized for your big brain,
it can be tempting to use it again and again for getting to the head of the class.
But if you've reached a certain age, and the challenges you're facing can't be solved that same old genius way,
you might be ready for a new way of thinking.
Thinking the same kinds of thoughts over and over again leads to looping, unproductive patterns.
Feeling anxious in your mind and body can consume all your energy,
when the truth is that you have big plans for the rest of your life.
Isn't it time to kick your problem-solving into a different kind of gear?
Tuesdays at noon beginning May 23, 2023
Sometimes we can be too smart for our own good
Big brains are a gift.
They race through situations that cause others to stumble.
They finish crossword puzzles--all the way, with a pen.
They get straight A's with little effort.
They get to the right answers first, and show the teachers who to call on.
They outsmart everyone else in the room.
Big brains can also get in the way.
When we rely on our smarts to figure out every type of problem,
we can be left with unanswerable questions and looping thoughts.
Some challenges don't have an answer key.
Some problems require thinking outside the box, even outside the brain.
Problems with relationships, the evolution of wisdom, and steps toward meaning and purpose,
these all ask for so much more from us than a formulaic answer.
Once you've been recognized for your big brain,
it can be tempting to use it again and again for getting to the head of the class.
But if you've reached a certain age, and the challenges you're facing can't be solved that same old genius way,
you might be ready for a new way of thinking.
Thinking the same kinds of thoughts over and over again leads to looping, unproductive patterns.
Feeling anxious in your mind and body can consume all your energy,
when the truth is that you have big plans for the rest of your life.
Isn't it time to kick your problem-solving into a different kind of gear?
Now is the time for your big dream to take center stage in your life.
It is time to switch your focus from others to self,
so that you can create a bigger ripple in the world.
Your secret super powers are ready to explode--don't let your
Are you looking for a way out of anxious thoughts and anxious sensations?
Is that sweet new way of being calling to you, with more actual growth and soul satisfaction?
Is it time to learn to think with your whole self?
I was an early achiever with a big brain.
It brought me recognition, awards, and skills.
And then, when my life demanded more of me than I was physically or emotionally capable to expend,
I relied on my big brain to figure how to just do more
of what I'd always done: take care of others, cram my schedule, let others rely on me, overextend.
It worked for a long time.
So I kept doing more and more and even more.
But the day came when it all crashed down on me.
Anxious sensations in my body made me think I was imploding.
Anxious thoughts in my head made me think the world was at an end.
The way I had always thought through situations was no longer serving me.
The many demands on my time, skills, energy, and attention were too much for my big brain to handle.
It took a couple of years, but I eventually arrived at a new way of thinking.
And this type of thinking didn't rely solely on my intellect.
This type of thinking involved my whole self.
It's a more wholistic way of making decisions.
It's a fabulous way to listening, and responding to, the body, the heart, the spirit, AND the mind.
I call it Thinking With My Whole Self.
It is time to switch your focus from others to self,
so that you can create a bigger ripple in the world.
Your secret super powers are ready to explode--don't let your
Are you looking for a way out of anxious thoughts and anxious sensations?
Is that sweet new way of being calling to you, with more actual growth and soul satisfaction?
Is it time to learn to think with your whole self?
I was an early achiever with a big brain.
It brought me recognition, awards, and skills.
And then, when my life demanded more of me than I was physically or emotionally capable to expend,
I relied on my big brain to figure how to just do more
of what I'd always done: take care of others, cram my schedule, let others rely on me, overextend.
It worked for a long time.
So I kept doing more and more and even more.
But the day came when it all crashed down on me.
Anxious sensations in my body made me think I was imploding.
Anxious thoughts in my head made me think the world was at an end.
The way I had always thought through situations was no longer serving me.
The many demands on my time, skills, energy, and attention were too much for my big brain to handle.
It took a couple of years, but I eventually arrived at a new way of thinking.
And this type of thinking didn't rely solely on my intellect.
This type of thinking involved my whole self.
It's a more wholistic way of making decisions.
It's a fabulous way to listening, and responding to, the body, the heart, the spirit, AND the mind.
I call it Thinking With My Whole Self.
Learning how to do this turned the ship around, one degree at a time.
Learning to consider all the parts of me, and to listen to my highest wisdom and lowest impulses, has resulted in my life looking a little bit different on the outside, and feeling massively different on the inside. Now, when I have an anxious thought or sensation, I stop the presses. I cease what I'm doing and the way I'm doing it. I check in with all the parts of me, and I relegate my big brain to its appropriate roles.
I'd like to teach you how to do this, too.
It's not the same for everyone, because we are each unique creatures with a unique design for living this life.
I will help you find your way of thinking with your Whole Self.
And your decisions will never feel the same again.
For the first time, I'm putting all of my skills together into one program.
It's a 10-week program called
"Thinking with your Whole Self."
Isn't it time you learned to harness your big brain,
to begin using it as it was meant to be used?
It's a tool, and a powerful one. But you are so much more than that.
Let's explore your uniquely designed brilliance, together.
Click here to contact me for a one-on-one chat to see if this is right for you.
Learning to consider all the parts of me, and to listen to my highest wisdom and lowest impulses, has resulted in my life looking a little bit different on the outside, and feeling massively different on the inside. Now, when I have an anxious thought or sensation, I stop the presses. I cease what I'm doing and the way I'm doing it. I check in with all the parts of me, and I relegate my big brain to its appropriate roles.
I'd like to teach you how to do this, too.
It's not the same for everyone, because we are each unique creatures with a unique design for living this life.
I will help you find your way of thinking with your Whole Self.
And your decisions will never feel the same again.
For the first time, I'm putting all of my skills together into one program.
It's a 10-week program called
"Thinking with your Whole Self."
Isn't it time you learned to harness your big brain,
to begin using it as it was meant to be used?
It's a tool, and a powerful one. But you are so much more than that.
Let's explore your uniquely designed brilliance, together.
Click here to contact me for a one-on-one chat to see if this is right for you.
Program Details
Over the course of this 10-week experience, you will learn about the nervous system and how hard it works to keep us safe. We will practice safe, gentle techniques for calming an overactive stress response, and apply this perspective to an important Big Idea that has been elusive for you.
You’ll learn how to “Think with your Whole Self,” by balancing all the parts of you--the mental, the physical, the emotional, and the spiritual parts of you that are wanting to be considered and experienced when making decisions. You'll access your own hard-earned wisdom in all four of these ways:
You’ll learn how to “Think with your Whole Self,” by balancing all the parts of you--the mental, the physical, the emotional, and the spiritual parts of you that are wanting to be considered and experienced when making decisions. You'll access your own hard-earned wisdom in all four of these ways:
COGNITIVE: We’ll celebrate the ways your big brain helps you move forward, and we’ll take a deep look at how it actually gets in your way. In addition to focusing on your cognitive gifts and challenges, we'll take some deep dives into the other ways of processing information: emotionally, spiritually, and physically. This is where the magic really happens.
PHYSICAL: How often do you really stop and notice what your body is telling you about your current situation? The body knows all, and accessing its wisdom is the fastest way to determine next steps.
EMOTIONAL: How fluent are you in the language of the heart? Do you grant yourself permission to feel and express anger? How about sadness in its full depth and breadth? Does joy cause you to look around for the next "shoe dropping?" Going a little further than you may have gone before, in the company of supportive, like-hearted women, can open up whole new worlds of confidence. It has certainly done so for me!
SPIRITUAL: And finally, where do you find meaning in your life, and connection with something bigger than you? In the forest? On the beach? In prayer? While painting or singing? We'll delve into what it means and feels like to be "spiritual" whether you step foot inside a church or find a bigger sense of things when you look at your child's sweet face.
PHYSICAL: How often do you really stop and notice what your body is telling you about your current situation? The body knows all, and accessing its wisdom is the fastest way to determine next steps.
EMOTIONAL: How fluent are you in the language of the heart? Do you grant yourself permission to feel and express anger? How about sadness in its full depth and breadth? Does joy cause you to look around for the next "shoe dropping?" Going a little further than you may have gone before, in the company of supportive, like-hearted women, can open up whole new worlds of confidence. It has certainly done so for me!
SPIRITUAL: And finally, where do you find meaning in your life, and connection with something bigger than you? In the forest? On the beach? In prayer? While painting or singing? We'll delve into what it means and feels like to be "spiritual" whether you step foot inside a church or find a bigger sense of things when you look at your child's sweet face.
We’ll bring in lots of somatic techniques for you to try out, one of which is Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT Tapping. With tapping, I will help you to metabolize the blocks that are getting in the way of your big dreams.
You will also experience the powerful insights that come with Scientific Hand Analysis, as you look at the lines and markings of your own hands. For this program we will be focusing on your Emotional Style as it is evidenced by the Heart Lines in both hands.
You’ll leave the program with your own Personal Grounding Map, which helps build confidence in your ability to reset your stress responses at will. This tool has been so powerful in my own journey and I can’t wait to share it with you.
Times In order to accommodate as many time zones as possible, we’ll meet on Zoom every week at Noon to 1:30pm Pacific Standard Time.
Dates Dates for this intimate 10-week program are as follows:
Private Sessions! In addition to the 10 weeks of group classes, each participant will receive THREE PRIVATE 90-MINUTE SESSIONS WITH ME. This is extra time to go deeper into your own personal story and to clear unwanted blocks in the privacy of a 1:1 session. I will bring all of my transformational tools to bear during this time together. You'll have space and time to explore your own limiting beliefs, your own energetic blocks, or the stories you tell about yourself that are ready to be upgraded. This is powerful work that is always controlled by you and supported by me. You will schedule these sessions at times that work for you, during any of the 10 weeks of the program. If additional sessions are desired, you can add them at the rate of $200 each until the program end date of August 1, 2023, at which time they will be available at my full rate of $225.
Access Class will meet online using Zoom technology. (www.Zoom.us.) You can download the program onto your computer, or just click on the link each week. A camera is required so you can participate in the class fully, and the other students and I can connect with you. A link to Zoom will be provided upon registration.
Recordings Unable to attend a class? Each class will be recorded so you can access the recording in your own time. Of course you will receive the most benefit from attending live each week but I understand that life happens, it's approaching summer, and we all have busy lives.
Cost The program starts in a few weeks, with a small cohort of no more than 8 women. The full price is $1,995 which can be paid in one lump sum or divided into three payments of $675 each. Payments will be invoiced via PayPal unless you prefer a different method of payment (check, cash, credit or debit card).
Next Step If you are interested and want to know more, email me by clicking here, and we will schedule a chat on the phone to see if this program is a good fit for you. There are no prerequisites for this program, but there is an invitation for openness and vulnerability. I do my very best to create a safe, sacred space for our sharing. What I know from my own experience is that the more I engage in the questions, journaling, and sharing, the more I receive from the group experience. Each of us has our own level of comfort with sharing that may change from day to day, so there is never a requirement for that, but I will ask.
You will also experience the powerful insights that come with Scientific Hand Analysis, as you look at the lines and markings of your own hands. For this program we will be focusing on your Emotional Style as it is evidenced by the Heart Lines in both hands.
You’ll leave the program with your own Personal Grounding Map, which helps build confidence in your ability to reset your stress responses at will. This tool has been so powerful in my own journey and I can’t wait to share it with you.
Times In order to accommodate as many time zones as possible, we’ll meet on Zoom every week at Noon to 1:30pm Pacific Standard Time.
Dates Dates for this intimate 10-week program are as follows:
- Week 1: Tuesday, May 23
- Week 2: Tuesday, May 30
- Week 3: Tuesday, June 6
- Week 4: Tuesday, June 13
- Week 5: Tuesday, June 20
- Week 6: Tuesday, June 27
- Week 7: Tuesday, July 11--N0 CLASS JULY 4
- Week 8: Tuesday, July 18
- Week 9: Tuesday, July 25
- Week 10: Tuesday, August 1
Private Sessions! In addition to the 10 weeks of group classes, each participant will receive THREE PRIVATE 90-MINUTE SESSIONS WITH ME. This is extra time to go deeper into your own personal story and to clear unwanted blocks in the privacy of a 1:1 session. I will bring all of my transformational tools to bear during this time together. You'll have space and time to explore your own limiting beliefs, your own energetic blocks, or the stories you tell about yourself that are ready to be upgraded. This is powerful work that is always controlled by you and supported by me. You will schedule these sessions at times that work for you, during any of the 10 weeks of the program. If additional sessions are desired, you can add them at the rate of $200 each until the program end date of August 1, 2023, at which time they will be available at my full rate of $225.
Access Class will meet online using Zoom technology. (www.Zoom.us.) You can download the program onto your computer, or just click on the link each week. A camera is required so you can participate in the class fully, and the other students and I can connect with you. A link to Zoom will be provided upon registration.
Recordings Unable to attend a class? Each class will be recorded so you can access the recording in your own time. Of course you will receive the most benefit from attending live each week but I understand that life happens, it's approaching summer, and we all have busy lives.
Cost The program starts in a few weeks, with a small cohort of no more than 8 women. The full price is $1,995 which can be paid in one lump sum or divided into three payments of $675 each. Payments will be invoiced via PayPal unless you prefer a different method of payment (check, cash, credit or debit card).
Next Step If you are interested and want to know more, email me by clicking here, and we will schedule a chat on the phone to see if this program is a good fit for you. There are no prerequisites for this program, but there is an invitation for openness and vulnerability. I do my very best to create a safe, sacred space for our sharing. What I know from my own experience is that the more I engage in the questions, journaling, and sharing, the more I receive from the group experience. Each of us has our own level of comfort with sharing that may change from day to day, so there is never a requirement for that, but I will ask.
Who Would most Benefit by joining this Group?
This online group is for super smart, high-achieving women who have big ideas for the next phase of their life. My participants and clients are usually approaching a transition in their lives, whether it be work-related, relationship-based, or in their sense of who they are and what they want out of life.
The women in my community of powerful brains also spend a lot of time in their head, which can bring stupendous rewards as well as anxious thoughts and sensations.
If trying harder to get more done has only resulted in more anxious thoughts and sensations, then you might be ready for a new way of moving through the challenges your life has thrown at you. In fact, you may have tried lots of different ways of outsmarting your smart brain, with limited or temporary success.
This program is for women who are ready to use ALL of their gifts, not just the cognitive ones, to help them make better decisions. With more confidence and less second-guessing. And I'm ready to show you how to do that.
This program is cutting edge, wholistic, and trauma-informed. Come play with me and see how it feels to figure things out in more balanced ways, so that your brain can loop and worry less, and your life can move forward in big ways.
Click here for my contact page, to request a free chat with me. Let's talk and see if it's a good fit for you. I would be honored to support you in this way.
The women in my community of powerful brains also spend a lot of time in their head, which can bring stupendous rewards as well as anxious thoughts and sensations.
If trying harder to get more done has only resulted in more anxious thoughts and sensations, then you might be ready for a new way of moving through the challenges your life has thrown at you. In fact, you may have tried lots of different ways of outsmarting your smart brain, with limited or temporary success.
This program is for women who are ready to use ALL of their gifts, not just the cognitive ones, to help them make better decisions. With more confidence and less second-guessing. And I'm ready to show you how to do that.
This program is cutting edge, wholistic, and trauma-informed. Come play with me and see how it feels to figure things out in more balanced ways, so that your brain can loop and worry less, and your life can move forward in big ways.
Click here for my contact page, to request a free chat with me. Let's talk and see if it's a good fit for you. I would be honored to support you in this way.
If you have any questions, please click here or email me at [email protected]
I'm so excited to get to know you!
I'm so excited to get to know you!